
President Bush on Deficit Estimate Release - 英語演講

August 23,論文翻譯, 20

Today's deficit estimate release by the Congressional Budget Office is good news for American taxpayers. Like the estimates put forward by the Office of Management and Budget,美加翻譯, it shows that our government is on a path to meeting the goal I set forth of putting the budget into surplus by 2012. Balancing the budget requires keeping the economy strong, keeping tax rates low, and keeping spending in check.

Through tax relief, we cut taxes for American families and reduced tax rates on dividends and capital gains -- energizing small businesses to invest and expand. And since we lowered these important tax rates, the economy has created more than 8 million jobs, increased wages, and grew tax revenues that will lead to a surplus.

Continued spending restraint is a critical element for acplishing a balanced budget. I again urge Congress to pass spending bills by the end of the fiscal year, without wasteful earmarks, without raising taxes, and in regular order - one at a time, and on time,遠見翻譯. Congress has an opportunity to rise to the occasion and work with my Administration to acplish a balanced budget without raising taxes, and I hope they will do so upon their return to Washington in September.

