

青島奧林匹克风帆中心 Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center


  The Qingdao International Sailing Center for the Games of the 29th Olympiad is located on the old site of the Beihai shipyard by Qingdao's Fushan Bay in China's Shangdong Province. The Center will cover a total area of 45 hectares (450,000 sq.m.), two thirds of which will be utilised for the competitions.

  The whole project is comprised of the Land Area, and the Harbor and the Off-shore Section. The projects on land will provide the administration and competition management center, the athletes' center, the press center, the logistic and functional center, and other affiliated facilities as well. The Harbor and Off-Shore parts will focus on the engineering of the major and secondary breakwater, an embankment, a quay featuring the Olympic Memorial Wall, and the renovation of the shore wall.

  The quay, the secondary breakwater, and the embankment will enclose an area of 15.5 hectares (155,000 sq.m.) while the major breakwater, together with the embankment, will occupy 7.5 hectares (75,000 sq.m.). Additional overlay and facilities will also be placed for temporary use of the Games. A removable surveying shed and a pontoon, for instance, will be set up separately on the embankment and the western quay to facilitate observations and transportation.




