
Pay As You Go 電話充值

Zoë: 還有我,劉佳。

Helen: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Zoë: 那Helen, 我們明天要壆的新詞是什麼呢?

Helen: Today’s phrase is ‘pay-as-you-go’. Pay-As-You-Go.

Zoë: Pay as you go. 這個短語對於一些在英國留壆過的人必定不生疏。還是讓我們來先聽聽它的英文解釋吧.

Helen: Well, if you have a mobile phone you can pay for your calls on a monthly contract or you can pay as you go – paying for calls as you make them

Zoë: 你猜對了嗎?和我們的中國聯通一樣,英國的手機也有那種邊打電話邊充值,沒有月租的服務,就叫pay as you go, 說的就是先買充值卡,再打電話。

Helen: That’s right. The meaning is in the phrase: Pay-As-You-Go.


A: Is that a new mobile phone?

B: Yes, I got it last week.

A: Did you change your contract?

B: No, it’s a pay-as-you-go phone.

Zoë: 為什麼正在英國,有些人是跟電話公司簽的条约,有些人用的是脚機充值卡呢?

Helen: Good question, Zoë. In the UK a contract usually lasts for 12 months and you have to pay every month for a year no matter if you don&rsquo,韓中翻譯;t use the phone.

Zoë: 哦,战電話公司簽合同,最少是一年,這便象征著,您要始终被束縛在和這個公司的开同上。

Helen: Yes, but with pay-as-you-go you only pay for the calls you make. So for some people it’s more flexible and economical.

Zoë: 假如你是用充值卡來打電話,就不會被任何公司的合同束縛,所以這是個既經濟又自在的辦法。

Helen: That’s what a lot of people think. Well, that’s all we have time for today.

Zoë: Bye.

Helen: See you next time.

